HomeUndergraduate Application Form

Section 1 Agent Consent

This part of the form, Student Application Consent Form  is for your instructing UKOAS™ admission division of United Education to act on your behalf with admission.
Thank you for instructing the firm to act on your behalf with admission. United Education Admission Division will do our best to see that everything proceeds as smoothly as possible.

I entrust UKOAS™ the admission division of United Education as my representative to process my Foundation course application. The required documents submitted by the United Education Development are only used for admission purpose.
Section 2,  Student details  (You must complete this section accurately otherwise your visa application may be affected)
Section 2.1,  Student Immigration details  (You must complete this section accurately otherwise your visa application may be affected)
Section 3, Emergency Contact Information Parent/Spouse/Family member and Sponsor details
Section 4,  Agent Referral and Nominated Access
To be completed if applying with the assistance of a recruitment agent or if you are likely to be away at any time and wish to nominate someone who can make decision on your behalf and discuss your studies with us. Please enter the full name(s) of your nominee and their relationship to you.
Section 5,  Course details Proposed undergraduate or postgraduate programme (Needs to be completed for visa purposes)
Section 6,  Student’s education history
Please give details of your current or most recent school, college or university. Please ensure official institution transcripts, latest available results or forecast results are attached in English.
Section 7,  Working Experience
Please give details of current and previous employers, with dates. If the course you are applying for requires professional/work experience as part of the entry criteria, please provide curriculum vitae (CV) / resume which should include an outline of the responsibilities associated with each position.
Section 8,  Current English language proficiency
Please tick and enter details of your most recent English language test.
Note: students will be assessed upon arrival and study plans WILL be altered if there is any discrepancy. Please provide a copy of your certificate.
Section 9, Reference  All applicants must provide one recent reference. References must be written within the last 6 months and provided on letter headed paper, signed and dated. The referee should be a course tutor if you have been in education within the last two years or your current or most recent employer. Candidates applying on the basis of work experience must provide at least one reference from their most recent employer. The referee should not be a friend or family member.
Section 10, Statement of purpose in support of application  This section must be completed for all applications, failure to do so will delay your application. It may not be considered within our advertised processing times. Please note that this section may be provided to third parties, including the United Kingdom Home office upon request.
Section 11, Welfare
Section 12,  Criminal Convictions  Relevant criminal convictions are those for offences against the person, whether of a violent or sexual nature, or for offences involving supplying controlled drugs or substances where the conviction concerns commercial drug dealing or trafficking. You must also tick this box if you are currently serving a prison sentence for a relevant criminal conviction. If you fail to disclose a relevant conviction, any offer that has been made to you will be withdrawn from the University.
Section 13,  Other Information This information will be kept separately from your application and be held purely for statistical use in connection with monitoring
(Please check or complete the boxes as appropriate)
Section 14,  Your Documents
You can upload your document here, it will help us to process your application fast, if you are not upload the documents here our admission team will contact you for request documents.

  • For the purposes of current data protection legislation, I agree that the information may be recorded and processed by the University / College application in order to produce statistics to support the monitoring of its Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy.
  • The United Eduction adheres to the Data Protection Act 1998 and information given on this form will only be used in accordance with terms of registration. It may be necessary to pass information on this form to official UK bodies such as the UK University, College, Home Office to assist them in their duties. Information provided may be shared with other organisations for the purpose of administration, careers, statistical and research purposes, e.g. the Police or UCAS. If you are applying via a third party, for example an agent or one of our collaborative partners, it will be necessary to share information regarding your application.
  • I can confirm that all the documents I submitted to United Education are genuine, and I will take full responsibility for that. and also I have read and understood the terms and conditions.
Authentication Your Digital Signature